Monday, November 3, 2008

Fouling Amelioration - (4) Hybrid MBR (Mixed Liquor & Hydrodynamic)

The approach of fouling limitation technique not always solely deal with individual characteristic of the factors that determine the fouling (membrane, hydrodynamic, and mixed liquor properties). In many cases the fouling limitation method are dealing with more that one of those factors. The techniques that exploiting the mixed liquor properties as well as hydrodynamic are further discussed in this section.

1) Flexible suspended carrier
Addition of flexible suspended carrier was reported by Q. Yang et al., (2006). This method was proposed to reduce polarization layer and cake resistance which are the main contributor of the filtration resistance in MBR. The role of the suspended carrier are to improve the characteristic of activated sludge by adsorbing the small biological flocs and colloidal matter. On the other hand the movement of suspended carrier scours the membrane surface and reduce the cake layer.

) Vibrating membrane + Coagulant [G. Genkin et al. ,2006]

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