Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Membrane Characterization (UF/MF)

Pore size
Molecullar weigh cut-off using dextran or polyethylene glycol (PEG) rejection. The pore size is determine as the molecular weigh of particle that can be rejected 90% by membrane. The filtration is conducted by filtering the serries of differend dextran MW solution. The rejection profile than defined by the linearization of the rejection-MW curve. Normaly the concentration of the dextran is less than 2% w/w. 

Procedure of PEG rejection test (A. D. Sabde et al. [1997]):
  1. 5% w/v BaCl2 in 1 N HCl (100 ml)
  2. 100 ml of 2% KI (w/v)  + 1.27 g I2 --> This mixture than dilluted 10 times.

  1. Add 1 ml reagen 1 to 4 ml sample --->  (I)
  2. Add 1 ml reagen II to  solution I ---> (II)
  3. Allow the color development for 15 minutes at room temperature
  4. Read the absorbtion using spectrophotometer at 535 nm againt reagent blank
Note: To get the concentration value, the calibration curve is required.

Pore size distribution


Surface structure


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

For using the waste watermembrane biological reactor
is the best way that easily use
quantity of waste water....
Thanks a lot...
Thanks for sharing...!!!